Weird Fucking Games Vol. 179: Featuring South Scrimshaw (Part 1)
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South Scrimshaw (Part 1) by N. O. Marsh
A story about the life of a whale growing up in an alien ocean, presented as a nature documentary. Beautifully written and compelling, with some excellent art complementing its fantastic worldbuilding.
From L to R, top to bottom: LiDAR Exploration Program, Conan Throwbrien, Hyperscale Blue, The Hungry Fly, PS_3_An_Estimation_Log, littelgeiz flophausen
LiDAR Exploration Program (demo) by kenforest: As the title states, use Lidar technology to explore various areas and scan specific objects. A great demo which promises more to come.
Conan Throwbrien by spelafort: The late-night comedy show joke-cracking simulator you didn't know you wanted to play.
Hyperscale Blue by JohnLee Cooper: A Mario-themed commentary on game creation and expectations, which also serves as a companion piece to Hyperscale Red.
The Hungry Fly (USD$9.99) by Erupting Avocado: Note: I received a copy of this game for free. Live through the existential crisis of a fly, complete with flying around and cleaning yourself.
PS_3_An_Estimation_Log by Xia 夏: Go through a minute of your life estimating the outcomes of mundane events.
littelgeiz flophausen by Ash K and June Vert: A cute little desktop toy/audio simulator. Move the audio-generating critters around and experiment with different aural results.
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